In May of 2022, a group of Monashee Arts Council members and others attended a play called Gift from the Sea, produced by Cara Nunn (see pic of performers).

Among the audience were members of our Lumby Theatre Group, and we were quite taken with the use of puppets and masks used for this performance. (See pic of puppets)

It was arranged for Cara to do a workshop at our outdoor market (see poster included), and as a member of the theatre group, I arranged for a 2nd workshop at our local OAP hall, for theatre instructors and other community members interested in theatre. This workshop was a huge success and we learned so much about body language, different moods and motions, as well as about making masks. (See pics and video of masks we made and used)

We started up our theatre classes again in September 2022 and we started by teaching the class about body language, moods and emotions. Then in October they each picked a fairy tale and added a twist (horror, modern, etc). They then picked one character from their story to make a mask for. This has been very fun and interesting learning activity for the students and our instructors. We have some students in school and also some adults, so the variety of masks has been very interesting. (see mask pics included)

Project Leader: Norma Bouzek

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