On June 23rd, 2024, the residents of Downie Street in Revelstoke, BC held their first block party. The street is mostly filled with single-family homes and residents of different ages, including kids and pets. As many new people moved in recently, many of the residents did not know each other well. To encourage residents to get acquainted with their neighbors, a group of three residents planned the event and invited around 50 households to join. 

With the help of Small Neighborhood Grants, the organizers were able to obtain an event permit, insurance, and funds to purchase food and beverages. They closed off part of the street to create space and set up tents for shade. The turnout exceeded expectations, and the event was a resounding success. Although the invitation stated that hot dogs and snacks would be provided, residents were welcomed to bring a dish to share. The amount of food brought by the residents was remarkable. Families stayed the entire afternoon while others dropped in only to introduce themselves. 

It was heartwarming to see residents interacting and making new acquaintances, especially the kids who played together and had a great time. The party was concluded with neighbors discussing the possibility of holding annual events. It was a delightful event that brought neighbors together while creating a sense of community. 

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