The Medevious Kids Project was organized by a group of six 12 and 14-year-old boys, including myself. We learned a thing or two about woodworking. Then, with those skills, we made a nice wooden sword! It wasn’t easy to find an instructor until we reached out to The Richmond Carvers. Thank you to our project coordinator for the referral.

The workshop was held in two sessions (1 hour and 1.5 hours). None of us have held an electric drill and other tools before, so it was kind of scary at first. My friend even broke the drill bit within ten minutes of starting.
Mr. Price (our host and instructor) pre-carved some wood shaped like a sword. There were still a few steps to make them into the model we desired. First, we had to trace a line on the sword and cut it with an electric saw to make the right form.

We then had to drill holes for the screws that we were going to insert in the rain-guard. Afterwards, we had to smoothen the sword with sandpaper. That was the end of our first workshop. Before our second workshop, Mr. Price Glued the screws into our rain-guard, and it needed 24 hours to dry. When we started our second workshop, Mr. Price showed us a special method called “whipping” to wrap a rope around our hilt for better grip. Finally, we used a laser cutter to burn the wood onto the pommel of the sword to make a logo for decoration.

Woodworking was a skill that we all wanted to learn, and it went really well. We are very happy with the results because our swords look well made. This was just the beginning, and we hope to learn more in the future.

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