This project was something I wanted to share with people, to be able to take more out of the landfills while creating a nutrient rich worm castings for peoples plants and gardens.
I started by posting to local facebook groups. This gave me an idea of how many people were interested. I had about 35 people respond to those posts.
Next, I decided on a date, time and location. I created a worm composting Facebook page and invited those who were interested to that page.
I ended up having 14 people who signed up for the workshop. 9 of the 14 made it.
The ones that made it learned everything they needed to be able to creat a worm composting bin. From housing, bedding, feeding and harvesting the worm casting and babies.
Each participant started their bins by taking paper egg cartons and tearing them up into small pieces. From their they decided to take their bins home to finish. We did one bin complete together with bedding, soil and some water to moisten it all.
They all seemed to really enjoy themselves and were so excited to get their bins going.
Everyone who attended received a starter kit, which consisted of a bin, soil, some bedding material and worms.
I thoroughly enjoyed meeting these participants and teaching them about vermicomposting.
There are five extra kits. For these I plan to make a vermicomposting video and posting it on the Facebook page I made. In this video will be a secret word. The participants that message me with the correct word will also receive a kit (until I am out).
I am looking forward to future workshops for vermicomposting and other to help people become more self sufficient with gardening and raising there own food.
I found the whole process was very easy and went very smoothly. I would really like to be able to put on more workshops in Lower Nicola and Logan Lake. There are still so many that are wanting to learn.

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