Zumba at the plaza was an idea that came from the goal of promoting health and movement in the public. We talked to a local fitness club (East side fitness) and asked if they had a zumba instructor we could hire for this free public event and they connected us with Silvi!

We promoted the event by printing out flyers and going to community centers and grocery stores and posting it there as well utilizing SVNH social media and network. We didn’t take registration because we wanted to make it as low barrier as possible to access.

In the end, we had about 12 people join us for the 45-minute class and then after, we had a make-your-own yogurt parfait bar and refreshments for attendees to nourish themselves as well as a mingling hour!

The feedback from the attendees was that it was fun and they wanted more types of free health and movement events with low barrier in south Vancouver.

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