Our NSG outdoor party was a great success! About 40 people attended.
The family helped with the BBQ, and our 13-year-old helped with the scavenger hunt and games for the children.

Although it was a sweltering afternoon, our prior prep was helpful. We used two canopies over the live musical band and one over the crowd for shade. Next time a few more canopies would be useful!

Since our neighbourhood is only about two years old, we chose a “Name tag scavenger hunt” for our theme.
We had a separate scavenger hunt for the children. This worked perfectly toward “breaking the ice” between neighbours. Local, live music and socializing were our main focuses.
The NSG grant covered most of the band’s cost, small prizes for everyone and an excellent supply of hotdogs and buns for our potluck luncheon.
The blues/rock music was supplied by Princeton’s own “Highway 40” (which is the road from Princeton to Summerland).
We reached out to local businesses for support, and they did! Our local grocery store, “Save on Foods,” provided a discount on hotdogs and buns. We received discounts for the prizes Princeton “Fields,” “Loonie Bin & Bakery,” and “Mac’s Auto Parts”. The road blockade sandwich board and cones were provided by the nearby “Erris Firehall”.
All neighbours brought their own lawn chairs and potluck dishes; it was a really great day!

Abbey Road Neighbours
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