Our project idea came about when we were brainstorming in a Social Committee meeting at Amicae Co-Op. Member Ryan Munro came up with the idea of building a little library to place in the community, outside our building. We had our members submit their ideas and a design was chosen that would allow creative contributions from many of our members. We had a great time painting, waterproofing and building the basic library design. Then members painstakingly painted individual sticks of wood to represent their favourite “book spines”. Those sticks were then waterproofed and attached to the sides of the library to represent books on a shelf. We love the results and our very proud of our contribution to the community. We are in the final stages of completing the installation and hope to have the library up and ready to enjoy very soon! When it is ready you can come by and leave a book or take a book. We will also be registered on ttps://littlefreelibrary.org/ where we’ll be on the world map!
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