Our dedicated group of volunteers has been running the Education Plot at the BARAGA allotment garden for several years. With the support of the NSG, we were able to buy compost, seeds and seedlings and achieved our greatest harvest yet – over 540 lbs of vegetables, fruit and herbs! The produce was donated to the Burnaby Neighbourhood House’s kitchen and used to prepare meals for seniors. This year, the bounty was also shared at two free “mini markets” for seniors in BC Housing, who were very grateful to have access to fresh vegetables they could otherwise not afford. A new initiative this year was a workshop to share all the ins and outs of seed sprouting with a small but very engaged community audience, who were able to take home everything to get started: sprouting kits, seeds, and an amazing brochure one of our volunteers created. Next year, we’ll spread the word more widely to get more people involved in the workshop – we still have plenty of sprouting kits to share! We had a wonderful season spreading the joys of gardening and food and building community connections.

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