I am expressing my heartfelt appreciation to Neighbourhood Small Grant for making this Diwali party happen and giving me an opportunity to conduct this Diwali party among all the attendees, including parents and children. Everyone enjoyed being part of it. The event happened at 8118 South Side Hub on November 27, 2023, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. It took a lot of work to plan because we had to change the date many times, but finally, it happened! Around 28 adults and kids came, even though 10 interested guests were not in good shape. When people arrived, they got a warm welcome. We started the party by eating lots of tasty Diwali sweets! There were also snacks, drinks, chai tea, and yummy desserts. Everyone loved the food the most! People talked and laughed together. The kids were super excited! The kids and parents danced to Bhangra music and had a blast! The ladies and the children were excited at the party, had cool henna designs drawn on their hands, and it looked so pretty! We were happy and thankful for their support. The best part was how everyone enjoyed the cultural exchange and food and had fun together. It made us all feel delighted. Everyone loved sharing stories and having a good time. Even though it was a bit tough to get everything organized, it turned out to be a fantastic Diwali celebration! I would like to thank you again for this wonderful experience and appreciate your support in making it happen.

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