The “Fun and Challenge” tablet tennis tournament was held on June 29, 2023, at Chuck Bailey Recreation Center. It was greatly successful and fun for all of the participants.

This was the first time this event was organized for table tennis, social time and food at the Centre. The participants appreciated being able to come together in sports and as friends. In the beginning, we only planned to have women’s singles, men’s singles, and mixed doubles for the competition as the Centre couldn’t provide us more time for the gym. It was so nice that the volunteers used their own time in other table tennis programs to make the men’s doubles possible.

It is important for seniors to have some suitable exercise, such as table tennis. It provides the body and eye movements. This event reinforced seniors’ enthusiasm for playing table tennis. After the event, we had more new players join our program. Thank you for Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre’s support, the staff’s hard work, and the volunteers who donated their time and talents. Thank you for the funding from the Neighborhood Small Grants program.

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