The Holly Bike Park has become an important part of our community, especially through covid. It has users of all ages and people come from near and distant places to ride. The bike park has brought the community together in ways we could not imagine. There is a group of teens that continue to repair and maintain the jumps and pump track. We meet once a week to build and fix the jumps.

The grant money helped us because we used it to buy tools for our work parties. Shovels, rakes, pickaxes, hoses, and a wheelbarrow, have helped the process of restoring the park. In early June, we held a community work day, where people of all ages were invited to help get the park ready for summer. Aside from this event, we continue to meet on a weekly basis to develop and maintain the park. Having the right equipment has allowed the group of teens to take responsibility and ownership of this park.

Through this project, I have learned that there are resources out there to help the youth of Delta. You need to have ambition and a willingness to work hard and your passions can become a reality. Thank you to the Neighbourhood Small Grant and the Delta Community Foundation for giving teenagers a chance to do something great.

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