A big thank you to the RNSG for funding our “Joy of Giving and Creating” project. Twenty children, young adults, parents, and grandparents delivered potted plants and homemade encouraging cards to 73 homes in our neighbourhood. I started off by soliciting interest from neighbours through our Block Watch email list. I then supported a local nursery by purchasing all the plants from them (they were all on sale since it’s end of the season, so that was nice to get some savings). Participants either picked up or I delivered their lot of plants to them. They then created lovely cards which acknowledged the generosity of the NSG to go with the plant and delivered it to their designated area of neighbours at their convenience. We certainly achieved our goal of giving some joy and putting smiles on our neighbours faces as we continue to navigate the pandemic together. We had some very positive and pleasant responses from our neighbours: “As senior members, not so active in membership, we appreciate the continued thoughtfulness, effort and attention,” “It was such a great delight in receiving the gifts from you last week. Much appreciated!’ It was surprising to hear that a few homes declined the plants, otherwise the rest were very well received. I hope that this project especially taught the children who participated in the Giving and Creating project, how small acts of kindness can make a huge impact in people’s lives, as well as the importance of being actively involved and engaged in the community. Even though participants did not expect anything in return for volunteering their time and energy towards this, I was able prepare thank you bags with the remaining funds for all of them. We all now have a plant and card in our homes to remind us of the kindness and care of others. Thank you, RNSG!

Karen Choy
September 2021
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