Thanks to the Vancouver Foundation Neighbourhood Small Grant administered by the Kitsilano Neighbourhood House we were able to encourage and support 13 block parties in Kitsilano that celebrated Car Free Days on June 15 & 16.
Block party hosts were thrilled about the help we were able to provide them including a step-by-step toolkit, city application submission and insurance, street barricade delivery and pickup, a local BIA gift basket, and personal support and ideas on how to have a fun and relaxing block party getting to know their neighbours.
Our support made it easier for more people in Kitsilano to participate in the block party model. We sought out new hosts and encouraged prior hosts to continue with their involvement. Block party hosts were interested in holding a block party on their street to introduce and engage neighbours who might otherwise not have the opportunity to meet one another. The result was neighbours getting to know each other, sharing resident skills and feeling more connected to their community while sharing a potluck meal, games, music and talent shows together.
More information can be found at and on Facebook at Car Free Vancouver Day: Kitsilano

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