I ran a series of book clubs based on Betsy Warland’s “Lost Lagoon/Lost in Thought.” We met beneath the cherry blossom trees between the tennis courts and Pooh Corner daycare, just south of Lost Lagoon. Curiosity informs much of Warland’s book and I think that quality is something shared by everyone who attended. I began each group with an introductory prompt: “Tell us about yourself and books clubs” (one participant had been in a book club for twenty-five years!) The second question was related to Warland’s book and people shared their favourite passage and explained why they loved it. So, how can I write about the evenings that we met as strangers and parted as something more than acquaintances? I’ll let Warland’s book answer that question: “The lagoon resists being depicted. Summed up. The Human admires this.” photo credit: Tariq Malik)
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