What I learned from my original planned projects was to offer beading and making Epsom foot salts using essential oils. However, the Creator had different plans.

A wonderful opportunity opened. Elder Victor Morris is an Indigenous Artist from Lheidli T’enneh Band and now resides in East Vancouver.
He was able to share his story and why he paints.

He guided me on the supplies to buy. I was full of anxiety, and it reflected in my painting, but I was surprised when Victor mentioned how I could change my painting to reflect a positive aspect, and it was done.

A special request for food was to make “fry” bread. The other food was a variety of fruits, veggies, salad, and hummus for a dip. Water, juice, nettle tea and coffee were supplied.

My gift from this painting session; even if you are grieving, continue to do what you love. If you love to bead, continue; if you love to sew, continue. If you love to paint, continue. Don’t give up.

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