My neighbour Mike B and I have been looking at a derelict, unmaintained, overgrown patch of grass behind our home for a few years. It is situated near and adjacent to a heavily used public walk and bike trail.
We applied for a community grant to provide a green initiative garden and beautification project in that spot.
The project was started in late August once the grants were received. We chose to first clean up and level the area, then build raised garden beds. Eventually, in the spring, we will seed and plant our first crop of flowers and vegetables.

We also plan on adding some decorative shrubs, stream rock and garden herb pots next year.
The challenge for us was mostly the labour involved in shovelling & removing the debris and unwanted materials and then getting the 4 cubic yards of organic soil to the gardens.

The two of us took it in stages, and after a few weekends of work, we saw progress and the vision come to life.
To be continued..,
Neil & Mike’s excellent garden adventure

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