Our NSG project, “Paint and Meet,” is a children’s painting party. This event offers children an opportunity to socialize while learning the art of painting. It’s a delightful way for them to make new friends within the community, regardless of their introverted or extroverted nature. Art serves as a universal language, and a Painting Party serves as a fun way to connect people. There is no need to have any prior art experience to join this party. All we ask from participants is that they bring their ready-to-learn attitude.

On the event day, we had the pleasure of welcoming 17 lovely participants to our party. We had the privilege of inviting the talented instructor, Emily Lau from Emily Art Gallery (IG @emilyartgalleryvan), to guide everyone in painting a scenic landscape from Vancouver. Before the painting session began, we kicked things off with a fun Icebreaker game, allowing everyone to get to know each other a little better. Throughout the session, we witnessed the joy on the participants’ faces as they explored their creativity and expressed themselves through art. It was truly a wonderful sight! At the end of the session, each and every one of them beautifully completed their paintings in their own unique styles. They were able to take home their masterpieces to share with friends and family.

We would like to express our deepest appreciation to our generous sponsor partners, Neighbourhood Small Grants, Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House, and Emily Art Gallery. Their invaluable support was crucial to the success of our event, and we are sincerely grateful for their contributions! Overall, it was an incredibly successful event and we eagerly look forward to future opportunities to inspire and encourage creativity in the young minds of our community.

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