This was my second year to host this party. The idea behind it was to get neighbours together to learn about the importance of pollinators and how we can help them by building gardens. This a community building activity to learn more about each other and the role we play in our environment. As a Butterflyway Ranger with the David Suzuki Foundation I encourage those in my community to plant native plants and to convert their lawns to beautiful pollinator gardens. As my neighbours came we sat and talked over pizza and snacks. The party was another success! In the spring of this year I have created a large pollinator garden on my front lawn and I have used this as a platform to advertise the event in the summer. Many of my neighbours came by to learn how to create similar gardens and they all left with a native plant to put into their garden. I learned that there is still a lack of knowledge of the harm that lawns create and I feel that I encouraged some by my example that creating a pollinator patch is not only good for pollinators but for our our mental health (get outside more, creates a conversation spot for the passerby).
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