Together with NSG and some very generous donors and help we put together a wonderful event for our residents and their families on June 23rd. We had the event outside on a beautiful hot day. Kick Willy Band donated their time to play for everyone. Silver Kettle donated the food and games. Care staff donated their time to assist residents who did not have family attend. Two local greenhouses also donated an abundant of flowers
that we were able to plant and use to make the space bright and beautiful.

The majority of the NSG grant money was used for a ‘free for all ice cream truck’ which was a huge hit and a wonderful addition to the party. We were also able to purchase décor, shelter and a fun drink station. Everyone enjoyed their time either dancing or tapping their feet with big smiles, playing games with their children/grandchildren, socializing with good food and ice cream. It has been so long since our residents could partake in something like this.

I am so thankful that I was approached with the grant opportunity. Not only for the money but for the idea and push to do a meaningful event for our seniors and their loved ones. We have such a wonderful community and very caring staff who helped make this possible. We all thank you so much!

Project Leader: Megan

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