In August, our community united for the Neighborhood Small Grant supported dinner, a gathering after enduring COVID-19, floods, and wildfires. We aimed to honour our dedicated First Responders despite an unfortunate overlap with a severe wildfire season.

We invited our Lucky R Park neighbours, extending a warm welcome to share experiences and support each other. We hand-delivered notices, emailed, and went door to door to spread the word. It was g welcome some neighbours from the Lucky R Park, two on-duty EMS workers, and Director Tim Roberts (who is also a paramedic).
Neighbours contributed door prizes and oney played Santa, delighting the winners. The menu featured pork on a bun, diverse salads, and non-alcoholic drinks, with fresh peaches and ice cream for dessert.

The evening resonated with laughter and togetherness, a testament to our resilient community spirit. We thank all who attended, contributed, and made this dinner heartwarming. Let’s continue supporting one another and strengthening our neighbourhood bonds.
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