Our little library story began with my husband and I wanted to add some community charm to the street we had recently moved to here on Bowen Island. We were pregnant and with a new house which needed lots of love. So the library became a distant dream until our neighbour told us about the Bowen Island Neighbourhood Small Grants program. I went for it and before I new it I had a project on my hands!

I was excited to see who would pitch in their loving expertise to construct and decorate the library.
First, I heard of a man named Peter down the street who had built the AED houses for the island. How perfect! He built a frame that will stand the test of any weather for many years to come. The detail to protect the library from needing maintenance came with a lot of passion and determination for perfection from Peter. I was blown away.

Then I had to ask my neighbour Michael down the street — our local world famous indigenous artist — if he wouldn’t mind sharing some of his inspiration on the library for the street to enjoy. And what he created is an incredible one of a kind piece that captures our Whitesails vibe and is fun for everyone especially the kids.

Then finally my husband and our neighbour Pat finished the roof and we installed the finished library, planted daffodils and filled it with books. It took far longer than planned thanks to shipping delays, weather and covid, but we did it and it’s better than we had planned. Already the community feels closer. We have a common place on the street to share and exchange through the touch of a book.

My most memorable moments were the many times we have hauled the library box up and down the street to every house, excited to see the changes from all the creative hands. What I learned was how important it is to take time to create community. This library has brought so much light and joy to our street!
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