Delta School District’s Indigenous Education Department held a National Indigenous Peoples Celebration this past June at Deas Island Regional Park. The celebration began on the water with families paddling in the Wave Warrior, a 39 ft. traditional journey canoe. Nathan Wilson, Indigenous Cultural Mentor with Delta School District, led the canoe, sang songs, and shared cultural knowledge.

Later, families gathered at Muskrat Meadows (just down from the canoe launch) to make cedar roses with Loretta Williams from Tsawwassen First Nation, play outside games, feast on food, laugh, and mingle. The event’s highlight was Tsatsu Stalqayu (Coastal Wolfpack), a family group of Coast Salish dancers, singers, and drummers and M’eh, a 12-foot Salish Elder. Together, they danced, sang, drummed, and shared traditional knowledge. The event was a lovely way to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day, and we look forward to next year.

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