Since the start of the pandemic, a lot of kids from our community have had to stay home and have been unable to go out to join activities to learn new skills. Therefore, our kids came up with the idea of teaching them how to make organic lip balm in order for them to learn something new despite having to stay home. Our kids have enough experience and knowledge to teach other kids how to make these types of DIY products since they have occasionally created and sold these DIY products at Kids’ Markets.

This workshop was for kids from 3-15yrs old. Kids under 12 were accompanied by a parent. Twenty-two organic lip balm kits which included all the necessary tools and ingredients to make the product were distributed ahead of the Zoom lesson. The DIY workshop was conducted virtually at the beginning of July and consisted of demos, animations and verbal instructions. Through this workshop, all participants learnt how to make their own organic lip balm and discovered the benefits of the ingredients they used. We saw all the participants having fun while making their very own handmade organic lip balm. We would like to express our deepest thanks to NSG for sponsoring our workshop! Overall, it was very successful and we look forward to doing another one in the future.

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