We held our Elgin and Burrard Summer BBQ on August 27th, 2023. Over 45 people came out to enjoy our successful get-together, with an age range from one to eighty-five! Over the past few years, there have been many changes to our community, and it was good to see old friends and make new ones.
Our master chef, Sean and sous chef, Lili, did a fabulous job cooking our delicious hamburgers, veggie burgers, chicken burgers and hot dogs. We had a very tasty variety of snacks, salads, desserts and beverages.
We reached our goal of giving new residents an opportunity to meet their neighbours and feel welcomed into our community. We have a lot of seniors who feel isolated at times, and it was exciting to see them reacquaint with their neighbours. The BBQ helped them adjust to getting out and having more social interactions in a safe, comfortable outdoor environment close to home.
Thank you, NSG, for the grant and for making this event possible. We plan to make our Summer BBQ an annual event.

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