My project was to help moms feel good and in turn, they would be able to spread more good.
Being a new mom, or a mom of young children and even being a mom with no community is hard. It’s tough when your social life and schedule revolve around a little being unable to respond or engage with you. Often moms are in survival mode, just trying to get through the day or the minute – it can be tough to plan social activities, so my social was to allow moms just to attend and socialize.

I also wanted to create an event to encourage sustainable living by supporting pollinators.
I created the event on Facebook, shared & advertised it to all the online local mom communities and my neighbourhood communities. Attendees were invited to a local park where we can bring our little ones on the grass, socialize and leave with a gift that inspired them to support pollinators (a wildflower potting kit).

As a mom of young children myself (11 months old & 4 years old), my schedule was dictated by them. The original date of my social had to be postponed as my 4-year-old caught a fever. We rescheduled a month after to ensure everyone was healthy – and to give the moms who had RSVP’d enough notice.

I supplied the event with 90% locally purchased goods (plants from a local nursery & snacks from a local business).
Not all the moms who RSVP’d at first attended; however, it seems like typical mom life for our days/times to be dictated by our little ones. For future socials, I would keep the time open-ended and likely strive for a larger attendance amount (as it seems only a portion of people actually attend).
As we were at a local park, other moms also walked by to inquire about the event and I invited them to stay (which they did).

Overall it was a fun and successful event. I barely had the chance to take photos, but of the photos I took, most moms didn’t want their kids posted online. So I’ve just included one with my daughter and blurred background.
Moms came from throughout Coquitlam/Port Coquitlam and one even came from Maple Ridge as she has no family or support system but found out about our social and really wanted the chance to come socialize with other moms. She said it’s difficult to chat with moms who have children around the same age as her sons.

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