It has always been my passion to promote sustainability in any small ways I can. While I was planning my son’s birthday party 6 months ago, I came across the fact that I did not want to host a party of close to 40 people with disposable dishes/cups/cutlery, but I did not have enough settings of my own to not use disposables.

I googled and found free community dish-sharing in Vancouver but nothing locally in Langley, so I have decided to start my own free community dish-sharing box in Langley. I got some great advice from the creator of the Clark Park Party Box in Vancouver, so it was all about finding reusable, durable, affordable tableware to put the boxes together.

A Facebook page was created (Langley Community Party Box) and received positive feedback from the community. Posters are also printed and posted on various community bulletin boards. We used the party box for the first time for my second son’s birthday party recently, and it was a great success! I look forward to seeing it being shared among the Langley community.

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