I would say the above event was a success, given the merry faces and the many thanks received after saying they had a great time attending such a fabulous gathering.

I prepared an attractive poster after I found the perfect garden venue with lots of shade and the guest speakers have confirmed.
I had 24 people in attendance; they found out by posting the event in our community centre on social media and invited the seniors I met to various Mount Pleasant Community Centre events.

The tables were covered in white and the white flower arrangements adorned them, thanks to the help of my 3 volunteers (my obedient husband included, heheh). The participants came wearing white, of course . They introduced themselves, stated their favourite color and why and so warmed up with one another. They also did a dance exercise with gusto and a brain teaser activity.

The 3 guest speakers talked about collaborative gardening, climate and planet-friendly living and inspirational storytelling, which touched the heart.
We ate while playing the 60s and 70s mellow music, with cold drinks, berry scones, desserts, juices, fruits and we did our Cheers. In spite the diversity, everyone mingled and talked to one another like good old friends .

My only regret was not being able to talk long enough with everyone.
Each participant received a white hand fan, which they used to wave during the chorus portion of Hey Jude, our farewell song .
At that moment, seeing their happy, glowing faces, I thought to myself, our small version of Diner au Blanc is better, lols.
Thank you so much NSG Central Vancouver, for making this event possible for seniors in our community.

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