
As part of hosting an NSG Orientation, you may want to send participants some resources before and after the Orientation, as well as have handouts and activities ready for the event. This section offers you a list and suggested timeline of when to share this information.

Resources to send before the Orientation: First Email

These resources are intended to be sent to participants about 3-4 weeks before the Orientation. It includes the following in Word:

  • NSG Definitions
  • What is Grassroots Grantmaking?
  • Coordinator’s Guide to the Principles of Grassroots Grantmaking
  • Benefits of Neighbourliness
Download Folder of Resources (zip)

Resources to send before the Orientation: Second Email

These resources are intended to be sent to participants about 2-3 weeks before the Orientation. It includes the following in Word:

  • Mapping Your Community
  • A Guide to NSG Decision-Making
  • List of Podcasts and Videos
Download Folder of Resources (zip)

Resources to send before the Orientation: Third Email

These resources are intended to be to participants about 1-2 weeks before the Orientation. It includes the following in Word:

  • How an NSG Program Works
  • NSG Coordination Checklist
  • Guide to Knowledge Exchange and Skill Sharing
Download Folder of Resources (zip)

Handouts for use during the Orientation

These include a number of resources in PDF and Word that you will need for activities during the Orientation and a few others you may want to consider printing to provide as handouts:

  • ABCD at a Glance
  • ABCD Three Circle Handout Template
  • Principles of Grassroots Grantmaking
  • 20 Things You Can Do When You Know Someone’s Gift
  • Tips for Working with Neighbourhoods
  • NSG Coordination Checklist Template
  • Strategic Outreach Handout Template
  • Granting Guideline Checklist Template
  • Sample NSG Applications Template Handout
Download Folder with Handouts (zip)

Resource to send after the Orientation

After the Orientation, consider sending a follow up email that includes the Resources for Coordinators Template (please update, add to and check the links on this template before sending it out) as well as a link to the Coordinating NSG Toolkit.

Download Resources for NSG Coordinators Template (Word)

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