Imagine many parents with their children singing children’s songs and listening to beautiful stories by the sea? Sounds great! Now, imagine these stories and songs are in Spanish, and are being told on a sunny summer Friday with perfect weather and good vibes. This is what happened this past August 16th at False Creek South! 
Weeks before, we started inviting children.  Anyone with a basic level of Spanish or a curiosity about this language was welcome. That Friday, we met at Leg in Boot Square at 5:00 pm. Approximately 30 children, between 0 and 5 years old, accompanied by an adult walked near the seawall, in False Creek South, until we found a small but cozy space to start telling stories. We started with a couple of songs in Spanish and then listened to some stories. Each song and story were about ocean creatures, since our neighborhood is located in front of the water, it was the perfect place to tell those stories. All the children sang the songs in Spanish, answered questions and participated with the Storyteller. Children naturally shared Spanish among their peers and with their parents. Everyone was very happy, in an environment of respect and enjoyment. Between each song or story, we raffled 11 children books in Spanish. Finally, each child received a bag of Goldfish cookies and a fish coloring page.  Most importantly, we are all now excited about the possibility of future Spanish adventures! We are very grateful to Vancouver Foundation for helping us connect with other members of the community and strengthening our respect for diversity.

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