This is my first time leading a NSG project. It was a fabulous experience on many levels.

The most challenging part was strategizing how to get the word out and draw people to participate online. Ideally this workshop series would be better located in public where I had access to people who would randomly join in or have had notice before that I would be facilitating the workshop. Places like the Farmer’s market. I know from previous experience, that this type of project would do very well in that environment.

All the same the online approach worked as well as it could and had some silver linings. I was able to connect to intergenerational families groupings, people who work with seniors and children. I used social media to spread the word. The next-door app that I am a member of was a great place to tell people about the workshops. My own mailing list that I have for my own artistic practise. brought people. I received feedback by participants who were very appreciative of the workshop and motivated to make their projects.

I personally had some amazing moments. Meeting the other project leaders and the admin folk opened my eyes to the wonderful and amazingly caring people that are making changes in our communities and enriching the lives of others on a grass roots level. I am so inspired. I feel I am now part of an uplifting and positive action focused group of people. I am humbled and honoured. I am so appreciative of Vancouver Foundation to have the insight and belief in funding such essential and important projects. We are bringing people together, connecting and celebrating diversity in our communities. What else is as worthy as this?
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