Who Are The Creative People In Your Neighbourhood? is a podcast I created to highlight the creative people (artists, musicians, designers, crafters, etc.) who live in Coquitlam, BC. I did this because even if my city has many talented creatives, it is not easy to find them. Majority of creatives say they are from Vancouver, I wanted locals to know who their talented neighbours are and to give these creatives recognition.

I started by researching the supplies and tech I needed (easy to find the info via googling on the web) then went on a search for creative people to interview (this was also easy since I just asked the local bookstores, community leaders, art centres, gift shops, the library, and friends for recommendations). After that, creatives just said “yes” and we recorded the interviews remotely via Zoom. The editing of the episodes is the most time-consuming but I am getting faster (I learned how to use the audio software by asking for help from a musician). And now I am working on the marketing the episodes via social media.

This project was a lot of work but worth it as I think it is vital for a community to know itself better and know what resources are available to them.

Listen to the podcast here! https://mtmhobbes.com/podcast

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