Please note: The NSG application system will be unavailable Sunday, March 23rd from approximately 5:00am - 5:00pm PT. Read more here:

Partner resources

Want to know what becoming a program partner with us entails? We’ve put together materials for you to look through.

Volunteering, team and people in nature for community service, support and planning of leadership goals. Ngo, charity person with schedule or task management in forest, park or eco friendly project

Coordinating NSG Toolkit

  • Full Coordinating NSG Toolkit

    Welcome to the coordinating Neighbourhood Small Grants (NSG) toolkit! This toolkit is filled with guides, templates and other resources to help you implement and coordinate the NSG program in your area. The toolkit is organized into nine modules that follow the timeline of a granting cycle. You can either download the full toolkit (which includes a helpful introduction on how to use this resource) or by individual modules.

  • Module 1: Getting Started

    Whether you are new to NSG or just new to the Toolkit, this is the place to start! Module 1 offers a list of resources that provide a foundation for people who are involved in the coordination of NSG or any grassroots grantmaking program.

    Got to Module 1
  • Module 2: NGC Recruitment and Orientation

    In this module, you will find guides and templates for recruiting and orienting Neighbourhood Grants Committee (NGC) members. The NGC is the group of local volunteers who make decisions about how the grants are distributed in their community.

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  • Module 3: Promotion and Branding Basics

    Leading up to the opening of the grants through to the application deadline, the focus of NSG is primarily on promoting the grants and supporting people to apply. Module 3 includes information and resources to use in doing outreach to and building relationships with potential applicants in your community.

    Go to Module 3
  • Module 4: Managing Applications

    This module includes a guide to the online Grant Management System (GMS), which is used to manage applications both when they are in-progress and when they are submitted.

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  • Module 5: Granting Decisions

    In this module, you will find guides and templates to support the Neighbourhood Grants Committee through the process of making granting decisions and distributing your NSG funds.

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  • Module 6: Project Leader Orientation and Cheque Issue

    This module includes guides and templates for coordinating an event to orient Project Leaders to and connect them with other people involved in the program.

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  • Module 7: Project Leader Resources

    This module has a range of resources you can provide to Project Leaders to support them in organizing their NSG projects such as the Project Leader Manual.

    Go to Module 7
  • Module 8: Wrap-Up and Evaluation

    This module includes information on finishing your NSG granting cycle through project wrap-ups, the Wrap-Up Celebration event, and program evaluation.

    Go to Module 8
  • Module 9: Learning Days/Summits

    This module provides resources to help you plan and execute an NSG Learning Day, which are 1 to 2 day events that bring together Project Leaders, Committee Members, Coordinators, Partner Organizations, and Funders to share stories and skills, discuss best practices, attend presentations and workshops, and build relationships with one another.

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NSG Partner and Coordinator Orientation Toolkit

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Exploring and Initiating NSG

  • Initiating New NSG Partnerships: Resources & Templates

    In the second section of this Toolkit, the resources and templates support partner organizations get started on initiating NSG in their community including preparing a Memorandum of Understanding, setting a timeline for their first year of the program, hiring a coordinator, and promoting NSG in the community.

    Go to Initiating New NSG Partnerships: Resources & Templates
  • Exploring Potential NSG Partnerships: Resources & Templates

    In the first section of this Toolkit, there are a series of templates and resources to support potential partners in exploring NSG in their community, which includes helping organizations conduct an initial self-assessment, hosting a presentation to the boards and staff of these organizations, developing handouts you can tailor and send out during the presentation.

    Go to Exploring Potential NSG Partnerships: Resources & Templates
  • Full Exploring and Initiating NSG Toolkit

    This Toolkit is for anyone who is interested in exploring and setting up a partnership with an organization that is considering having NSG in their community. There are two sections in this Toolkit:

    Exploring Potential NSG Partnerships: This will help you explore whether the potential partner has the right understanding and tools to support NSG in their community and help the potential partner understand their role in NSG. Initiating New NSG Partnerships: Should the potential partner feel they are a fit for the program, this section includes the resources to formally begin the process of initiating the program.

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