
In the Initiating New NSG Partnerships section of this Toolkit, the resources and templates support partner organizations get started on initiating NSG in their community including preparing a Memorandum of Understanding, setting a timeline for their first year of the program, hiring a coordinator, and promoting NSG in the community.

Getting Started

Memorandum of Understanding Template (Word) – Vancouver Foundation or the Regional Network Lead will work with the organization on creating a Memorandum of Understanding where the roles and responsibilities of the two organizations as well as funding details will be co-developed.

Download Memorandum of Understanding Template (Word)

Support for Coordinating a New Program Template (Word) describes the kinds of support made available to new communities in their first year of coordinating the NSG program.

Download Support for Coordinating a New Program Template (Word) 

Setting the Timeline

NSG Program Activities Template (Word) provides a general overview of the main activities involved in coordinating an NSG Program throughout a granting cycle.

Download NSG Program Activities Template (Word)

Granting Cycle Timeline Template (Word) can be used to create a timeline of the program to help new Partner Organizations plan out their first granting cycle as well as understand the time commitment and schedule of activities they will be involved in as they establish their NSG program.

Download Granting Cycle Timeline Template (Word) 

NSG Coordination Checklist Template (Word) outlines some of the specific steps involved in coordinating an NSG program throughout a granting cycle.

Download NSG Coordination Checklist Template (Word)

First Outreach and Promotion

NSG Promotion & Branding Basics (Link to Module 3) – Module 3 of the Coordinating NSG Toolkit provides tips on how to most effectively promote the grants within your community and few of the basics of NSG program branding for promotional material

Go to NSG Promotion & Branding Basics (Link to Module 3)

Mapping Your Community (Word) helps you get to know your town, city or region better through demographic and asset mapping. Demographic mapping can be particularly useful at this point in the process, as it helps you deepen your knowledge of the social groups you’ll be working with and consider whom you need to reach, connect with and engage to achieve the goals of the program and have it represent the diversity of your community.

Download Mapping Your Community (Word)

Hiring a Coordinator

Time and Wage Estimation for NSG Coordination Template (Word) includes an estimation of how many hours of coordination are involved in an granting cycle and wage recommendations to help budget for the Program Coordinator.

Download Time and Wage Estimation for NSG Coordination Template (Word)

Program Coordination and Job Description Template (Word) offers a job description that can be used to hire and train a new Coordinator.

Download Program Coordination and Job Description Template (Word)

Program Coordinator Position Interview Questions Template (Word) can be adapted for interviewing candidates for the position.

Download Program Coordinator Position Interview Questions Template (Word)

Potential Program Coordinator Reference Check Template (Word) includes sample questions to ask the references of a candidate.

Download Potential Program Coordinator Reference Check Template (Word)

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